Design Consulting

Are you an Interior Designer looking to add another level and scope to your services, lets say kitchens, baths, renovations, or residential design; but you don’t know where to start… let alone the details?

OR are you currently working on your own house or a large project and having a hard time communicating with the architect or draftsman? Trust me, you aren’t alone. I can honestly tell you one thing I’ve discovered in my almost decade of professional experience in the architectural, interiors, and construction industries, is that there can be a lack of communication (sometimes) which really inhibits the overall design, process, and budget. With that said, I’ve also been able to assist many interior designers, architects, and home owners with these details and bring the whole team together so that the fully intended dreams of the designers and clients can come to fruition.

You may be wondering how, exactly, I’m able to do this. You remember those communication blocks I noted above, well my particular experience (working with interior designers and architects), education (Master of Architecture), and set of skills (modeling, designing, and being able to speak both the ‘Archispeak’ and Interior lingos), provides be the ability to be an almost ambassador of sorts between the two entities. I know what you must be thinking… really, is this really a thing? Honestly, yes, it is. I’ve had the amazing opportunities to work on multiple high-end and detailed design projects where I assisted MY clients by modeling, reviewing, and coordinating existing plans into the final designs. Using a combination of hand sketching (yes I can be old school), 3D modeling, and video conferencing, you’ll be so comfortable with your final design, you can smell the paint as the final dimensions are being added to the layouts.

You can also check out my blog post, The Benefits of Hiring an Architecturally Trained Virtual Design Assistant & Rendering Artist, for an example of a project I was able to assist with!


If you’re interested in working with me, or learning more about my process, pricing, and turnaround contact me to set up a time to chat.