Posts tagged virtual design
Not Sure Where to Hire a Virtual Design Assistant? Here's 11 Boss Ladies Ready to Get You Started!

If you want to grow your design business, your first stop should be researching where to hire a virtual design assistant who can help you with renderings, drafting, and more.

You’ve got an eye for great design and your clients flock to you for creative, well-executed projects. Now, you’re wondering if there’s a way that you could take on more work, without stretching yourself too thin. You’re curious whether clients might be encouraged to buy more and expand contracts if they could clearly envision the plans that are laid out in front of them.

Maybe you’re a designer with extensive training in rendering, but you just don’t have the time to dedicate to thoughtful, beautifully-designed drawings. Perhaps you don’t have carefully honed rendering skills –– and aren’t interested in adding rendering to the list of services you personally offer. Or, maybe, you’re finding yourself bogged down in admin work and wishing you had time to focus on client relations and doing what you love, design. You need someone reliable to turn to when you need an extra set of hands and a trained eye.

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Brunch and Banter | Planning for the Future of Interior Design

Sometimes you have those moments, you know, those discussions and light bulb sort of ideas that lead to more than you could have anticipated. Well, that’s where Brunch & Banter was, a fun, light hearted conversation between myself and my two ‘work wives’, Jenna Gaidusek and Sarah Durnez. Conceived in the very early days of the COVID-19 Stay at Home orders, we realized the need many Interior Designers had (and still do) for a little guidance with converting their Brick-n-Mortar business to the virtual realm, which the three of us have been working in for years. What was going to originally be a single morning distraction and support pow-wow has now turned into a bi-weekly Sunday morning/afternoon chat fest revolving around lady bosses, brunch, eDesign, renderings, and the crazy world on Interior Design.

So far we’ve covered a few subjects that come up as business owners, Facebook Group Administrators, rendering artists, and Interior Designers. This industry is always changing and evolving, but over the last month or so we’ve seen a serious jump toward eDesign. Check out the full episodes below whereI’ve made sure its all located in one place (other than youtube). Oh, and be sure to check back for updates and additional Banters!

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5 Tips for Starting Your Own Virtual Design Business

Are you thinking of starting your own virtual design business? Are you curious whether you could strike out on your own or take an offline business online?

Maybe you’ve moved to a new city where the design options are limited. Maybe you’re a new parent who’s looking for a way to keep your design skills sharp while allowing for flexibility in your schedule. Or, maybe, you’re eager to find ways to expand your client base and portfolio into a niche area.

Grow Your Opportunities with a Virtual Design Business

Whatever your reason, starting your own virtual design business is a great way to grow your client roster and work with amazing people from all over the globe. You’ll meet designers and professionals from all walks of life –– people you may not have had the chance to meet had you not taken your business online!

Plus, you’ll have the obvious perk of setting your own schedule and discovering the flexibility to work from your home office, the local coffee shop, or even from vacation. As a military spouse, I’ve been able to follow my husband without sacrificing my career. Building my design business online has given me the privilege of continuing to work seamlessly while moving across the country and honing in on my strongest design skills so that I can use those talents to help other designers.

But, you’re probably wondering, “How do I even go about starting a virtual design business?!”

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